The Snake Lens

Jin Yin's gaze was as gloomy as a storm cloud as he stared at the corpse by his feet. Mo Ta's head was separated from his body, his neck severed straight off. Although Jin Yin and Mo Ta hadn't exactly been on the same path, he couldn't help but remain silent seeing Mo Ta dead.

"Where was the snow shuttle vessel that An Sa brought back going?" Jin Yin suddenly asked. His voice was sharp, like a chill, howling wind, which made a person feel gloomy just hearing it.

"Zargan," one of his subordinates answered in a hurry.

"Let's search in the direction of Zargan." Jin Yin casually shot a glance at the team member who had just spoken and said coldly, "Take two others with you, and go back to report this news to Chief Wen or to Captain Yuchi."

"Yes, sir!"

* * *

Wen always wore a mask on his face. The silvery mask was engraved with fine patterns, and right in the middle of the forehead was inlaid a faceted, dark red jewel, rather like a demonic eye.