
Wei Lan felt dearly for the Song Chengyan she was watching. As his adjutant, she was aware of how terrible the body condition of that prodigy was. Behind the heavy black spectacle frame, the eyes that had glimmered with wisdom were presently bloodshot, and even his face was as white as a sheet of paper. He had not shut an eye in three days. In those three days, he had been calculating non-stop. The amount of time he'd rested didn't add up to even two hours.

"Sir, have a rest," Wei Lan couldn't help but say, biting her lips. She was three years older than Song Chengyan and had mature manners and outstanding looks.

"Will be done soon!" Song Chengyan's voice revealed hints of his poor health, which he had tried hard to conceal. Perhaps he had understood the concern in Wei Lan's words. He raised his pale face and smiled with an effort.