Ah Sang

Just then, a woman wearing a veil walked into the VIP lounge.

"Sorry to make you wait." One ordinary, sweet, and delicate phrase from her made it impossible not to look at her.

The black veil had a silky sheen, which even Chen Mu with his sharp eyesight couldn't see through. A light purple qipao fully outlined her tall, slender frame. A snow-white powdered neck showed under her face, exuding a deadly attraction, while her exquisitely small collarbone made it impossible to avert one's gaze.

She was a woman who gave rise to countless helpless fantasies. Even Chen Mu went blank for a moment. That was a rare thing for him.

Suddenly, Chen Mu drew in a breath to clear his mind. Those days of bitter battling had made even his will still more determined and unwavering. Finding his condition improper, he reacted in the first moment to adjust it.