Who is that Ugly Man?

Miao Xuan's pupils contracted, and his face went a little pallid. He didn't flinch because of that move, though, but unexpectedly came forward a step and respectfully said, "You must be the 89th on the Black-Line Star Listing, my good man. Mr. Mo Ta? If Miao Xuan isn't mistaken in what he saw, that is the Golden Word Shackle, correct?"

Once he said that, the card artisans looking at Chen Mu shifted their gazes. Those who joined the first 100 names on the Black-Line Star Listing were the top-named aces in the Heavenly Drum Village District! For such an ace to be in Zargan, he would have to be the most top-notch person there.

Quite a few of them were no longer surprised that card artisan was so impressive! Those who were more familiar with the Black-Line Star Listing had already started to review material about Mo Ta in their heads. By the time they realized who Mo Ta was, they felt still more stricken. Mo Ta sure wasn't such good stuff!