Who is He?

"Right." Chen Mu nodded, not wasting any words.

Yuan Linghai felt his heart skip. There was some commotion among the onlookers, many of whom involuntarily sucked in a breath of cold air. Those who didn't understand were asking around about what the Golden Word Shackle was.

"What is your relationship to the esteemed Mo Ta?" Yuan Linghai asked coolly, having resumed his calm. From his point of view, the greatest possibility was that the ugly man had some sort of close relationship with Mo Ta. Teacher and disciple? Maybe father and son?

With Mo Ta listed as No. 89 on the Black-Line Star Listing, of course Yuan Linghai had to remain cautious. To provoke any of the guys on the Black-Line Star Listing would result in something worse than death. While he maintained his calm expression, he was inwardly shuddering. A vicious hothead like Yuan Linghai would only be afraid of someone still more vicious, and those on the listing doubtlessly fit the bill.