Dang Han

She had curved eyebrows like a painting, skin like snow that could be broken with a puff, and a face that could easily show both joy and anger but was exquisite enough to take one's breath away. Her fluid eyes and the off-hand style they exuded made one's heart race.

Chen Mu was rather taken aback. Ah Sang's beauty surprised him. When he saw that face, he finally understood why Ah Sang normally wore a veil and why Miao Xuan was always thinking about her.

Considering beauty alone, Sue Lochiro was slightly inferior to her. Ah Sang's was a kind of stunning beauty without the slightest defect. Once a person saw it, it would be hard to take one's eyes away.

Chen Mu had powerful resistance to beautiful women, which had a lot to do with his childhood experiences. Afterward, although he hadn't been surrounded by all that many beautiful women, those like Lu Xiaoru or Sue Lochiro were women with looks and temperaments that were hard to come by.