Mysterious Person

Exiting the shop, Chen Mu was very satisfied with his harvest for the day. Finding out the proper method of using [Child] and creating [Explosive Projectile] was already far beyond his imagination. [Explosive Projectile] was not suitable for card artisans that prioritize perception control. But for someone like Sang Hanshui, who was heavy on power and weak on control, this card can bring out his potential. Moreover, it was only a four star card, compared to a five star card, it's requirements were much lower.

After walking a few minutes, making sure that no one was noticing him, Chen Mu walked into a random building, and found the washroom. When he reappeared, he was wearing the white mask with black lines he wore at the Tai-shus'. No one took notice as wearing a mask outside these days were common.

Exiting the building, Chen Mu decided to go back.