The News

The second young master, Tai-shu Shen, had a thin-looking face and eyes that were slightly sunken in, which was unsettling. His eyes were keen and sharp, though. Beside him stood a man who looked like a tower. Chen Mu guessed it was Ba Luojia, whose body was huge and strong. His eyes seemed to always be half-shut, and he was wearing simple clothes with his feet bare. No wonder someone would guess he had come from the Bitter Solitude Temple.

The Bitter Solitude Temple was known for its harshness when it came to card artisan training. They trained really hard in secret and favored clothes that weren't flashy. Among the Big Six, they were the most low-profile and secretive group.

Ba Luojia opened his eyes abruptly and stared at Chen Mu. The white mask on Chen Mu's face stood out among the group of people. Tai-shu Shen snorted coldly. "Such arrogance from third brother's White Commander. We are not at a masquerade ball, so is there really a need to hide your appearance?"