She is Just a Monkey

They couldn't kill Qiu Shanyu, nor could they leave her out of sight; there was no guarantee she wouldn't stab them suddenly. After thinking for a while, Chen Mu decided to give her a pill Wei-ah had made, but he didn't mention the pill's function. He was surprised when she simply swallowed it without even asking what it was for.

Looking at Qiu Shanyu swallowing the pill without so much as a frown, Chen Mu was awe-struck. Although it wasn't the first time he'd had to deal with her, seeing her make that decision without hesitation made him much more cautious of her.

As if she'd done something ordinary, Qiu Shanyu asked Chen Mu calmly, "What else do you need me to do?"

Looking at her profoundly, Chen Mu said, "Let's go."