A Melee in the Night (I)

Chen Mu was soaking in the healing liquid, having already learned of Bogner and the rest fighting with the Dawei Card Artisan Team. Although he was very confident in Bogner, he still couldn't help being a little concerned. Especially since there was then a lack of aces on the team. Neither he nor Wei-ah were there – in addition to Xiaobo – and once they encountered an ace assassin from their adversary, Bogner and the rest would be in danger. That was what he was most worried about, since even very large numbers of card artisans couldn't solve every problem.

But he couldn't fly to their side just then and could only look on and worry about them. That was just an awful feeling!

Worrying about Bogner and the rest even made Chen Mu lose any interest in looking at that six-star card, The Eternal Night.

The situation in Dongrui was extremely delicate.