Xie Yanbai’s Decision

When Chen Mu opened his eyes, a sharp radiance flashed on his cold pupils. He grew excited as he sensed the tiny growth in his body. This One Breath Perception Training Guide had been exceptionally effective and had far surpassed what he had imagined. He had only managed to barely complete all the steps today. The entire process of completion was rather bumpy and had been riddled with failures.

Even so, he had still managed to sense a clear growth in only one day. At this speed, it would not take him long to breakthrough into Level 7 Perception. However, he was still at the early phase of practicing this training guide. He needed to meditate quietly while his training process hadn't gone smoothly at all.

Only when he could integrate all 43 steps of this training guide into his regular breathing process would he be truly powerful. It was quite curious who the creator of this One Breath Perception Training Guide was. It was truly quite powerful.