Su Hanhao

A man walked out of the shadows. Even though his pace was slow, but an invisible sense of tension suddenly came like a tsunami! Like a devil walking out of the depths of hell, he emitted a dark and deadly demonic aura. 

The man's facial features were unique. One of his cheeks was dark while the other was ghastly pale. All the people in the crowd gasped when they saw this face, chills emerged in their hearts.

"Su Hanhao!" Baiyue's gaze was cold, the intention to murder flashed through her eyes, "Aren't you heading to Qianhu City?"

Her heart sank. Based on the information they've gotten, they thought that Su Hanhao was heading to Qianhu City to await for an opportunity to sabotage the alliance conference. Even Caesar was on his way to Qianhu City to stop him. But why was he here instead?