Offense Is the Best Defense

A few captains of the Cang Jiang Military Force had gathered together. Their faces showed traces of fear and despair.

The campsite was a mess. The Cang Jiang Military Force had suffered heavy casualties in the ambush the night before. Excluding the card artisans who had died at the hands of the enemy, there were many card artisans who had frozen to death and suffered from frostbite. The card artisans were extremely weak without their power shields in such weather. Not many card artisans had frozen to death, but majority of the card artisans had suffered from frostbite. Many card artisans were mourning, and morale had dropped to a low point.

A few captains remained silent, as they had no idea what to say.

After a long while, an older card artisan spoke up. "Let's figure it out. What shall we do now?"

The other captains looked at each other, but all they could see was the fear in everyone's eyes. Yan Yu had died, and the military force was left leaderless.