A Bold Plan

Moon Frost Island.

"We haven't yet found any trace of Caesar, Master." A card artisan reported with a bow.

Jia Yingxia gave out a cold groan, "That old guy is remaining surprisingly composed. Others are even calling him out by name for a challenge, and he's paying them no mind. Humph, Cang Lan has a pretty big appetite, which is something that even I don't quite get. What about the four troops from the underword? And have you found out where the Wood Brigade came from?"

"It's still not clear. It's strange that those inside still haven't delivered any valuable intelligence by this time." The card artisan hesitated before saying, "I wonder if they've already been found out by Cang Lan."

Jia Yingxia pressed her hand to her forehead and sighed, "The situation is getting more complicated with this guy from the underworld not wanting to be left out. We have to speed up. How long before Ah Yue gets here."

"Sister Yue should arrive in about three days."