A Diversion

Tap! Tap! Tap!

The silence was broken by rapid footsteps.

Tang Hanpei's eyes did not move away from the notebook in his hand as he remained focused.

"My lord!" Shao Xue was somewhat excited, and it showed in her voice.

Tang Hanpei tore his gaze away from the notebook to her face and said gently, "What's wrong?"

Tang Hanpei's eyes were like the sunshine of early winter, warm and soft. Shao Xue's heart trembled, but she remained calm, "Please take a look at this video!"

She cordially inserted a fantasy card into the meter and popped it on the screen to display the video of Chen Mu in the Heavenly Drum Village District's Elite Competition.

"I see." Tang Hanpei nodded and said with some regret, "It's a pity."

Shao Xue understood what he meant by saying it was a pity. She asked a probing question, "Can we trade with the Desert Camp? To switch him over?"