
Benji inspected the corpse on the ground with a grim expression."It's him."Hearing that, everyone's expressions darkened."What shall we do?" There was a tremor in the voice of the young man standing in the corner. "Pursue!" Benji didn't hesitate to reply, "We can't let him stay alive!"Others nodded their heads in agreement, but the fear in their eyes was evident.

* * *

Chen Mu and his group did not dare to stay a moment longer. They left the Heavenly Drum Village District immediately. The entire Heavenly Drum Village District was a battlefield. Since Moon Frost Island was surrounded by enemy forces, it had a profound impact on the Heavenly Drum Village District. The powers Moon Frost Island deployed in different cities were redirected to reinforce Qianhu City at the fastest speed. And their departure left many zones unguarded. These zones had become dangerous areas where local forces killed their enemies and struggle for power.