Unexpected Occurrence

Eastern Shang-Wei City

Jiang Liang looked at the report on his hand and raised his eyebrows. Out of safety concerns, the Wood Word Camp and the Snow Silkworm Card Artisan Team had taken control over Eastern Shang-Wei City. The remaining forces in the Eastern Shang-Wei City, surprisingly, paid full cooperation. They knew very clearly that these two teams were too strong for them to fight against. 

There were several injury cases related to the cardless occurring in Eastern Shang-Wei City lately. Those incidents had caught the attention of Jiang Liang. During the battle at Snow Edge Valley, they had encountered many cardless sects. He suspected that these cardless sects were chasing after them following the fight. Contemplating it, he decided to report this intel.

* * *

In a jungle outside Eastern Shang-Wei City.