In the Name of the Murderer (2)

"Kill them!" the triggered Sir Elmo looked utterly pale. He broke down mentally under the immense fear and shouted hysterically.

Military orders could not be disobeyed. The city army initiated their attack immediately despite their fears. 

The reason Fort Mendelssohn could keep their independent stance was because of Sir Elmo's well-trained city army. Since the fort was placed on the outskirts of the Hundred Depths, every flexster recruited into the city army was extraordinary and skilled. 

The archers and the sling shooters were the first attackers. As bows and slingshots were the flexters' primary ranged weapon, many majored in these two weapons. Rondoch and Hofn were the most prominent ones among them. Rondoch was the leader of the archers while Hofn led the sling shooters.