The Third Commander

Zara stared at Chen Mu; her eyes were wandering. There was no one in the pub, only the two of them. The waiter was shivering in fear behind the counter, and the pub became the most dangerous place in Huoyun City. They stayed in Huoyun City for more than ten days, sitting quietly every day. No one knew what they wanted to do, but the whole city was praying that the two supervillains would leave as soon as possible, the further, the better.

"What?" Noticing Zara's expression wasn't right, Chen Mu softly asked as he felt a little uncertainty.

Zara didn't reply. After a while, she suddenly spoke, "Let's get out of here. Mose harbors ill-intentions. If they know you have a Green Mark on your body, you will be in danger."

Chen Mu looked surprised at the words coming out from Zara's mouth; it was beyond his expectation.