Foggy Gauze

'The Eternal Night' ranked third among all the cards in Chen Mu's hand.

The top card was the mysterious card from Master Rosenberg. Although this card was still an enigma, its importance to Chen Mu was self-evident. It could be said that without this card, Chen Mu wouldn't be the person he is today.

Card making, perceptual exercise, body building skills...

The importance of each step could not be underestimated.

Rosenberg's disciples disguised the card as a one-star power-card in order to escape Heiner Van Sant's search. These disciples have long become ancient legends, disappearing into the river of time. Nobody knew their original intention, but they probably did not expect that the card they took great pains to pass down miraculously created a legend.

This card's top position among all of Chen Mu's cards was unshakeable.