Encountering the Enemy at the Ash Stratum

Mohadi Domain.

Benji was casually watering the flowers in the backyard. His murderous aura had faded, and he was just like any other ordinary person.

"My Lord." A voice came from the shadows in the corner, "There is news from the ash stratum. The army is suffering from the attack by an unknown card artisan, and there are a lot of casualties. The House of Suiwei and the House of Xiu had the most losses.

"Oh." Benji put down the kettle in his hand and took his time to ask, "Card artisan? Then, the Heavenly Federation is a step ahead. That's interesting. How about the king? Is there anything strange lately?"

"The king doesn't seem to be in a hurry, but very laid-back. He even has the time to instruct the chef in making a dish called Qin Xiang noodles. The king seemed to be very interested in the matter of the Heavenly Federation. He would personally examine the materials seized from the enemy."