: The Revelation from Great Prophecy Technique (III)

With a low sound, the heavy door opened. It felt like there was no air, and Long Haochen felt an incomparable awe from its opening.

Drawing back slightly, Long Haochen used his hands to support himself, taking a defensive posture. His movements were slow and steady, facing a sharp intent that took material shape. The instant his movements stabilized, an intense golden light lit up from Divine Obstruction.

It was a shame that Yang Haohan’s crystall ball was unable to watch the situation in this inner part of the Illusory Cave, or he would find out with great shock, that Long Haochen was making use of an essence level Divine Obstruction.

During this one year of deep meditation, it wasn’t only his internal spiritual energy that gained a large boost. His body benefitted from the overflowing spiritual energy, both his external spiritual energy and mental force achieving large progress.