The Revelation from Great Prophecy Technique (II)

Hearing him, Feng Xiu’s shock became more and more visible, “Third brother, this is too dangerous, you…”

Vassago shook his head in silence, “Boss, you should know about the threat of Austin Griffin. Since this is our greatest chance, we cannot let it go no matter what. And this plan is for the best. If faced head on, he will very likely flee. And if he escapes this time, he will be on extremely high alert. And that time, be it us or this world, I’m afraid that both are going to be…”

Feng Xiu appeared upset, “It’s my fault. I should have attached more importance to him before. That bastard Andromalius… He actually died in the hands of Austin Griffin even before maturity, and let his demon god pillar be destroyed. This is something we will never be able to make up for.”

Vassago responded, “That’s why we have to grasp our only chance in this war. No matter how great the cost we pay, we cannot give Austin Griffin the slightest chance.”