Counter Kill (III)

In the eyes of many lower ranked soldiers, Long Haochen was like the descending god of light, bestowing his warmth and sweeping away all their pain and fatigue. A feeling close to worship started to rise instantly in them.

The scope of the rain of light was really large. Not only did it cover the whole Exorcist Mountain Pass, but even the location of the previous battlefield and the demon camp were engulfed inside.

The demon god pillar glistened once again. The extremely beautiful light in the humans’ eyes was a fatal catastrophe to the demons.

Seven pillars of light spreading out similar auras of darkness soared to the sky, forming a dark red barrier using the seven pillars as base, englobing the demon camp.

Without a doubt, the spell Long Haochen completed had reached the scale of forbidden grade. And even Sheng Yue had never seen one of such scale before.