To embrace Cai’er (I)

Just like the Divine Knights from the Knight Temple, these eleven powerhouses from the Assassin Temple were of heroic grade, having reached the ninth step. They were the real core of the Assassin Temple’s strength.

“The Knight Temple’s Provisional Saint Knight Head, the twelfth golden knight greets you, elders. Because of some special reasons, I am not allowed to reveal my name.” Long Haochen gave the elders a knight salute.

Including Sheng Yue, the seven elders returned the salute simultaneously, giving an assassin salute with the highest degree of respect.

Sheng Yue gave a sincere response, “Welcome to you, powerful Saint Knight Head. The Assassin Temple will never forget everything you did for the Exorcist Mountain Pass. May the friendship between our two great Temples last forever. If there is any help you may need, the Assassin Temple under my wing will not spare any cost for you.”