Where the Exit Was

Underneath the mine…

After learning Jiang Chen's plan, Gao Huoling was neither happy nor sad. There was only resolution in her pretty eyes.

It wasn't a good plan, but it was the only plausible one in their current circumstances.

In addition, she was surprised to see that Jiang Chen was able to use the crystals of fire dragon for practicing purposes.

When she learned about the restrictions, she felt proud of the phoenix blood in her body.

"By the way, why didn't you use the bible when you were fighting Green Ghost?" Gao Huoling asked out of curiosity.

"Bible?" Jiang Chen acted like it was the first time he had heard about this.

"Gosh, you don't know? I thought maybe you didn't want to expose your identity. So what's the level of your phoenix blood?"

"Fire phoenix," Jiang Chen told her truthfully.