An Incident at the Mine

Yin Shuang's state could only be regarded as mid to upper-level among the people present, but her words were worth a lot, especially after she had rejoined her team, whose leader was ranked in the top ten of the Dragon Rise List…

"Miss Yin Shuang, this is the Hero Palace's privacy we're talking about."

While Lin Jingyu was speaking, he looked towards a man behind Yin Shuang with fear.

"I'm Jiang Chen's friend. You slander him like this, but expect me to turn a blind eye? And you haven't come up with any evidence yet. You've just been saying whatever you want to." Due to her profession, Yin Shuang was far more eloquent than Lin Jingyu.

"Evidence? All right!" Lin Jingyu pointed into the air, and an image appeared immediately in the sky.

The video recording started from when they had come to the mine. Those who he had taken advantage of were shouting across the mine, extremely angry.