
The item that Ren Baqian was looking for, was actually a type of mineral which was commonly seen. It was very widely distributed and easily found in this world. He just arrived at the Ministry of Works, and Tie Ze and Tie Quan helped him to resolve a great part of his trouble.

After the both of them left, Ren Baqian warned and exhorted Tong Zhenye repeatedly that they must extract the coal from the coal mine. The coal mine was not only resistant to fire, but its temperature was also higher. It was extremely useful whether it was used for burning bricks, making glass or even melting iron ores.

The only inconvenience was that the distance of the coal mines were too far. According to Tong Zhenye's words, it would require them to travel for ten days by carriage. As such, transporting it this way would use up too much manpower and physical resources.

It would be great if they could find a coal mine somewhere in the vicinity.