
Qin Chuan brandished his hands and said, "What are all of you still doing here? Are your boides itching for a beating? Go and continue your work!"

Immediately, every onlooker dispersed in confusion.

The empress was right beside their building and she was about to blow up. At this point in time, no one dared to screw anything up. All of them wanted to keep as far away as possible from the empress.

Actually, many people could sense the empress's aura when she rushed to the clinic. Along the way, everyone wondered what could have happened that made her so angry. As such, they hurriedly followed behind her. However, when they saw Tong Zhenye was beaten up so badly, they instantly decided to stay as far away as possible from her.

It was just that Qin Chuan's sensitivity towards auras was extremely weak, and hence, he couldn't sense the empress's arrival.

When Tong Zhenye returned to the courtyard, he saw the doctor and his disciples trembling down there.