Shock in the Imperial Court

Ren Baqian was naked. At this moment, the wounds on his body had already faded to faint scars. Medicine like the black mud cream was readily available at the clinic, and wounds were able to heal in a very short period of time.

But, both of his eyes were still shut, and he appeared very pale, without a single bit of consciousness.

For some time the empress stood in front of him with a perplexed look on her face.

Ren Baqian had brought about many changes to Dayao. That aside, the empress couldn't simply watch him die like that. After all, he was the only person whom she really fancied in so many years.

If she were to leave Dayao on her own to go to Great Xia, it would probably be very risky.

It wouldn't be that risky if she could settle things easily at the Nine Pavilions. But if there was to be a conflict, other people would probably immediately know of her presence. By then, it would be very difficult for her to leave Great Xia.