What the Heck Just Happened?

"To kill or not to kill?" Ren Baqian kept his head low, monitoring the girl's table from the corner of his eye.

He was trying to play down his murderous thoughts by thinking of identical twins, who were the most alike. As much as they were alike, twins were two different people.

Despite that, malicious thoughts continued to enter his head. He felt compelled to kill her.

Ren Baqian sat there in a daze for a good long while until he saw the girl and her friends standing up from their seats. He tossed the money for his meal on the table and hurriedly followed them.

They were just three girls flagging down a taxi by the road.

When she saw Ren Baqian following them out, the girl who looked like the empress whispered some stuff to her friends. The two of them turned to look before quickly turning away.

Ren Baqian stood beside his car, getting in to tail their taxi when they had left.