
Ren Baqian didn't care about the psychological scarring he had inflicted on the young man, even though this youth would be so affected that he remained single for the next two and a half years.

Back at the villa, Ren Baqian began to daydream.

He had handed Shen Feng the task of digging up information regarding Qi Jiayu. Such a request would no doubt be a piece of cake for him (her)?

Ren Baqian fell deep into thought. His mental state earlier that day was extremely weird, as if he had been possessed by a demon. All he had been able to think about was murder.

Prior to that, the first person he had felt this compelled to kill was the Seventh Prince.

That killing intent was unsurmountable.

Up until then, he himself had not even slaughtered a chicken.

Yet, this time around, things were a little different.