She’s Waiting For Us!

That night, Ren Baqian sealed the letter with wax and sent it to Su Qing.

Over the next few days, Ren Baqian saw experts from all over the world arrive in Ming City in waves.

Those who arrived today were from the North Alliance .

Their leader, Tie Feng, was followed by more than a dozen armor clad officers. Behind them was another hundred or so cavalry.

Tie Feng was a Spirit Wheel expert and a powerful one at that. His officers were Earth Wheel, while the cavalry were Man Wheel. This wasn't the North Alliance's full strength, but the strength of just Wangbei City alone. The North Alliance's strength was evident from the fact that this one city's might was already greater than the combined forces of the Eight Great Sects.

A short while after entering the city, Tie Feng gathered the experts under his charge that had entered the city earlier. Together, the North Alliance's forces were the strongest in Ming City.