Biological Weapon of Mass Destruction

Ren Baqian focused half of his attention on what Qingyun Sword was saying while spending the other half deep in thought.

He would turn to look at Lin Qiaole every once in a while. She was sleeping soundly with her head on the table as her drool pooled on the ground.

Ren Baqian wanted to clamp her mouth shut.

Why was a good looking lady like her drooling all the time?

Qingyun Sword was making preparations up front.

Killing the empress was going to take a lot more than just a bunch of guys charging head first.

Qingyun Sword divided the Earth Wheel experts from the various sects into 11 different groups. They were to be further split into vanguard and rearguard positions to maximize their strength in numbers and reduce casualties.

However, they only had three days to practice this formation. Their coordination would be essential for the formation's success.