A Haircut Needs to Be Fresh and Original

Loopy Toad had no intention of killing these two people, but they had broken into the Wang family's villa and were plotting something sinister… if Little Master Ling knew about this, he definitely wouldn't be happy. Loopy Toad had little interest in the two men's souls, but it also didn't want them to leave alive, so it was best to let the pen and eraser gremlins deal with them.

The two men were now completely immobilized, and had no idea what the two brawny brothers were going to do with them. They were scared to the point of pissing their pants, but unfortunately, the Aura-Freezing Spell was so strong that even their genitals were frozen…

Immobile, their bodies still couldn't help trembling.

Pen: "Want to kill them?"

Eraser: "Forget it, if we get blood everywhere in the bedroom, Little Master will definitely not be happy."

If that was the case, there was only one option…