Life Is a Circle

Wang Ling didn't actually think that he was a stingy person — spend money when you should spend it, and don't waste a single penny when you shouldn't. This was the economic view of consumption which Father and Mother Wang had imparted to him. A haircut was just a trivial thing. In contrast, Wang Ling preferred to spend the money saved on the haircut on crispy noodle snacks.

He had heard that Small Raccoon had recently launched a new flavor: indigowoad root and wasabi. Wang Ling planned to buy a packet to try. If he could save money on this haircut, he could buy more packets!

In the hairdresser's, after some silence, a disbelieving expression appeared on the face of the apprentice fellow whom Wang Ling had pointed out, and he bowed solemnly. "Thank you for your trust! I will definitely give it my best!"

Wang Ling nodded indifferently, then found a place to sit.