The Four Big Families Of Songhai City


Wasting food indeed wasn't good behavior, but the problem was that this student acted as if they knew each other!

Wang Ling watched as the other party directly swallowed his braised Dahuan pill. This person let out a soft burp and then took a silver handkerchief out of his pocket to wipe his mouth lightly with the elegance of a lady of the capital… It seemed he was full.

After a long while, the person straightened and fixed his eyes on Wang Ling. "It's wrong to waste food. This classmate doesn't seem to have an appetite, but I don't think it's because the food here isn't to your taste – it's probably because you have something on your mind, right? And I can see that this classmate must be upset about what happened recently."

Wang Ming and Wang Ling were surprised since what he said was pretty accurate…