Wang Ling’s New Nickname

Wang Ling was alarmed.

He understood the reason, but why would he actually gain fans after that incident? — The main point was that in the incident with President Bai, he was but a lowly student who had been fortunate enough to escape with his life!

But since Li Mingyao had brought it up, Wang Ming was a little curious. "May I ask, why are you Wang Ling's fan?"

The other side straightened his collar, still maintaining that elegant and refined manner. "Have you heard of fortune?"

Fortune, or actually also known as "immortal fate."

Although there was no scientific evidence for this thing, one had to admit that it did exist.

Otherwise, there wouldn't be a specific "Great Fortune Spell" among the Three Thousand Great Dao.

In simple terms, fortune was like a cultivator's hidden attribute that couldn't be measured precisely – it slowly accumulated through a cultivator's single-minded cultivation and devotion to doing good deeds.