Chapter 1,303, collective amnesia? (8/14)

Sunday, November 29th.

Songhai city’s first military hospital.

On that day, everyone felt as if they had intermittent amnesia..

The lightning of the god of Heavenly Punishment Lightning summoned by Wang Tong also contained the effect of the “50% Great Amnesia Spell.”.

And it was because of this that.

Those who had witnessed the scene of Heavenly Dao of death and Odd Zhuo killing their way out of the hospital with the girl’s body in his hand.

All of them had lost this part of their memories.

Of course, the Lightning didn’t necessarily reach all of them.

There were always people in blind spots where the lightning couldn’t reach them.

Under such circumstances, Odd Zhuo and Heavenly Dao of death had no choice but to split up again.

They cast a “Physical amnesia spell”on those whose memories hadn’t been erased.

Odd Zhuo and Heavenly Dao of death reacted quickly.

The last person to be cast a “Physical amnesia spell”was grandfather sun..