Chapter 1304, the plan to transfer Lotus Sun’s body (8/14)

With grandfather Sun’s permission, the plan to transfer Lotus Sun’s body was carried out by Odd Zhuo and the Heavenly Dao of death.

The whole plan was divided into two parts.

First: create a fake body to hide in the medical bay.

Second: transfer the girl’s real naked body to the war sect and let crispy noodles dao monarch and immortal zhenyuan watch her 24 hours a day.

In the intensive care unit, all surveillance equipment was turned off during the transfer of the body.

Odd Zhuo and Heavenly Dao of death waited for a while, and then a huge cardboard box was accurately sent here with a golden light falling from the sky.

“Senior Odd Zhuo, what’s this Golden Light?”The girl didn’t understand.

“This is Lord Ma. It used to be the toilet in master’s bedroom, but Master called and turned it into a spirit. He’s very strong. He’s a courier for the Wang family’s small villa.”

“Student Wang Ling is really amazing...”lotus sun suddenly understood.