A Black Clipper Ship

"Take all the time you want to explain. I'm gonna sleep with two beauties now!" Bertrand let out shrill laughter. "Bye!"

"I'll see how long you can laugh." Chen Fan snorted and hung up the phone.

The electric eel did not leave immediately after Chen Fan delivered the money at sea yesterday, but lurked around and waited for the black men in the speedboat to collect the it. Then he followed them quietly to a pier by the sea. There were two 500-ton black clipper ships and five seven-meter long white speedboats.

"Not give up until one reaches the Yellow River, not shed a tear until one sees a coffin?" Bertrand kept repeating this sentence. With his Chinese language ability, he really couldn't understand what this sentence meant. However, this did not stop him from ridiculing the ignorance and arrogance of this Asian kid!