The Pirate King

"You... You... What do you want?" Bertrand's tone was not as calm as it had been, and there was only constant fear. He did not expect that this opponent had the ability to use a submarine to attack them. How much power was behind this man?

"My request is very simple. Yesterday, I had already stated everything clearly on the phone. I don't want to repeat it a second time! Of course, this pain would not cause you to make the decision to hand back the fortune you had gotten, but I'll still say the same thing. Time will disclose everything to you." Chen Fan's tone was very calm, as if he was just discussing what to eat for lunch.

"Bullsh*t" Bertrand was irritated and was swearing. "Only us pirates ever blackmail others. Absolutely no one dares to blackmail us pirates. Even the Ukrainian government paid their ransom. They dared not even utter a word. I don't believe you have more ability than the Ukrainian government."