What’s With That Trinket?

Watching the nervous face of the Voidwalkers, Baiyi remained composed. Don’t worry about her faith in me, guys. She’s not like all of you— she’s docile to a fault. When the time comes, she will use that hammerhead shark plushie.

"That’s hardly the point! You should have been more precise instead of being so vague!" The Scholar cried out in alarm as she watched the battle unfolding through Baiyi’s eyes. Vidomina was dishing out attacks after attacks onto poor Mia, and the girl could only stand there, encased in her protective shield.

"Can you please not dramatize everything? She chose those tactics on her own will, alright? The least you people can do is respect her choice and her way." Baiyi hardly felt bothered looking at how she was doing but instead, he saw a viable approach to winning. "As long as that lady doesn’t cast a Silence spell, Mia could go on dancing forever with her just by her mana supply alone."