Please... Have mercy on me!

Mana-break Chi, in any form, was lethal to a sorcerer. An energy thread woven by such chi would be able to kill a full-fledged mage. Baiyi's opponent had mentioned finishing off a Holy Level sorcerer with it and he could see how. It was truly a calculative and ruthless method…

But if one had already notice the threads then one could always avoid them!

Baiyi did not wait for him to complete his trap and immediately launched a short-distance teleportation spell to break away from the Magi-breaker’s net of chi threads.

Surprisingly, the enemy did not follow-up with his the Dance of the Shadow.

Instead, he quickly materialized behind Baiyi’s back, a knife in one hand. His other free hand had all five fingers spread opened. And at each of his fingertips was the very fine existent of chi threads.

His voice was chillingly proud. "Master Hope, I sincerely hope you did not think a mere teleportation spell is enough to escape me."