A Simple Happiness

The next morning, Baiyi and Mia left the dorm and was getting ready to move to Tisdale's mansion. Both of them did not have much luggage as they had put their belongings inside their storage pouches. Only the pots of flowers that could not be placed inside the pouch needed to be carried by hand.

Mia was dressed exactly the same as she did the last time when she went to the town with Baiyi--- a white dress coupled with a large sunhat that made her looked as cute as a little angel. In her arms was a kitty coin bank that was filled with a white flowery plant that Baiyi had plucked from the road side some time ago. Excitedly, she skipped and hopped along the dormitory's corridor beside Baiyi. Well, it was the first day of the holiday after all. Baiyi, on the contrary, cast a spell to make the other five flower pots float behind him, making him look like he was holding on to a few helium-filled balloons as he walked.