We Do Not Share the Same Beauty Standards

"This… What the hell happened?!"

The defense fighter’s face was pale as he cried out in horror— not because of how his shield was so easily penetrated by the enemy’s attack, but at how Baiyi, with the speed of lightning, snatched the second spear from the air with just his bare hands!

He had seen too many fights to know that it was an impossible feat. Even if he was a Soul Armature, Baiyi was still supposed to be just a sorcerer!

The defense fighter’s instinctive yelp had shaken everyone out of their trance. A thought dawned on them as they saw the unsettling damage the defense fighter’s shield had suffered. Are we… Are we being ambushed?!

Then, they watched as Baiyi hurled the javelin right back where it came from, just as quickly as he had caught it earlier. It was so fast that all they could see was a black blur cutting across the air.