Let’s Not Be Too Violent

As dusk fell, the rescue party was brought to their abode. It was a cave with a large interior, furnished with stone tables and stone beds and lit with only three torches created from animal fats. It was quite rudimentary, but it was still better than staying in a tipi.

Besides, to young people like Xillians, Mia and Tisdale, they found it more novel than shabby.

When meal time arrived, Mama Goat came with the young lad they had previously met, bringing food. Although it was refreshing to see a young barbarian before he turned into a wall of hard muscles, it was more refreshing to see him bringing in a big pot of fish soup. Then, after opening a satchel hung on one of Mama Goat’s horns, the lad released one of the most alluring scents into their room.

It came from a heap of steaming rice biscuits, deep-fried to golden crispiness.