He's the Most Suitable Candidate

"Urghh... T-That hurts..." Mia was lying on the ground struggling hard to get her feet back on the ground. However, the sounds of horse hooves approaching made her tremble in fear, her whole body went weak as her knees gave out once again. It was all she could do to turn her body over just in time to see the barbarian cavalries charging at her.

It was the first time she faced such a life threatening situation all by herself. Unlike last time in the ring when she was facing the Lindworm, there were no Baiyi or the referee by her side this time...

"D-Did they manage to escape?" Even in such a dangerous situation, Mia still put other people above herself first.

In the Void, chaos was taking place as all of the Walkers who were awake were all volunteering to help Mia. Even the Scholar offered to enter the doll's body. Still, Baiyi ignored all of their requests. He had a better candidate in mind for such a situation.