Small Favors

Since Mia was brought up in the conversation, somebody else joined in as well, "Sir Hope, just look at Mia-chan. She's so obedient and listens to everything that you say. Why don't you try treating Attie the way you treat Mia? I'm sure if you do that, she will eventually be as obedient as Mia, right?"

Impossible! Baiyi promptly retorted, Mia is kind in nature. She's way cuter and more obedient than Attie is. Attie is quite hostile towards me and right now, she's just forced to give in to me. Then again, what do you mean by my way of treating Mia? I treat her normally, don't I?

Erm, hello? Normal, you said? You're practically babying her you know? And I think if you really have the power to shrink her, you'd probably shrink her to a small pocket size and carry her in that armored tummy of yours everywhere with you! Many of the Voidwalkers thought secretly to themselves.