Do Not Take the Little Girl Too Seriously

Hearing such ludicrous words coming out from Mia's mouth, Baiyi could not let it go just like that. Immediately, he pinched both of her cheeks and asked solemnly, "Why do you suddenly have such bizarre idea?"

"Urghhh.... M-Mr Hope is bullying me a-again..." Mia cried, "O-Only a father or a boyfriend can play with a girl's hair, right? Yes, I d-do like you a lot too but I'm still a little too young now, M-Mr. Hope.."

Baiyi suddenly felt like his heart was smashed by a heavy hammer, his whole body was petrified, not hearing anything that she said after the words 'father' and 'boyfriend'. It was a good thing that he had a tough heart as he quickly regained his senses and endured the pain that he felt in his heart. Putting on a strong front, he appeared to be unaffected by her words, and of course, none of the girls noticed the change in him at all.